5.3 Module 3 - Culture

Meeting 3-1 - Tuesday, September 28 - Decoding Culture

  • Before Class:
    • Read A Sociology Experiment, “Chapter 5 - Culture” (Link)

Meeting 3-2 - Thursday, September 30 - Culture and Health

  • Before Class:
    • Read Acevedo-Garcia and Bates (2008)
      • Acevedo-Garcia, Dolores and Lisa M. Bates. 2008. “Latino Health Paradoxes: Empirical Evidence, Explanations, Future Research, and Implications.” Pp. 101-113 in Latinas/os in the United States: Changing the Face of América, edited by H. Rodríguez, R. Sáenz, and C. Menjívar. New York: Springer. (Canvas)
  • After Class:
    • Watch Unnatural Causes, Part 3 - “Becoming Americans” (Pius Library)
    • Complete Theory Isn’t Dead 2 for Tuesday, October 5 (Canvas)