3.4 Grading

All grades that use a “check” system (the Theory Isn’t Dead and Sociological Experience assignments as well as “entry” and “exit” tickets) will be calculated using the following approach. A “check-plus-plus” represents exceptional work and will get full credit. A “check-plus” represents great work and will get 92% of the points available for the assignment. A “check” represents satisfactory work and will get 85% of the points available for that assignment. A “check-minus” represents work that needs substantial improvement and will get 75% of the points available for that assignment. For other assignments, rubrics will be provided prior to the due date that break down how grading works.

I use a point system for calculating grades. The following table gives the weighting and final point totals for all assignments for this course:

Table 3.1: SOC 1120 Points Breakdown
Assignment Period Points Quantity Total Percent
Participation Part 1 20 pts x1 20 pts 16.1%
Part 2 30 pts x1 30 pts
Part 3 30 pts x1 30 pts
Part 4 15 pts x1 15 pts
Theory Isn’t Dead 20 pts x2 40 pts 6.8%
Sociological Experiences 20 pts x4 80 pts 13.6%
QHQs 75 pts x2 150 pts 25.4%
Quizzes 50 pts x3 150 pts 25.4%
Final Project 75 pts x1 75 pts 12.7%

All feedback will include grades that represent number of points earned. If you want to know your percentage on a particular assignment, divide the number of points earned by the number of points possible and then multiply it by 100.

Some of the provided rubrics on Canvas result in final points for assignments that include decimals. In the event of non-standard decimals (those other than .25, .5, or .75), I will round your grade up to the next standard decimal value (e.g. .25, .5, or .75).

3.4.1 Conflicting or Incorrect Grades

If you notice a discrepancy between the grade you received in the feedback and what appears on Canvas, please let me know as soon as possible. I will default to taking the higher of the two grades as the official grade.

3.4.2 Letter Grades

Letter grades will be calculated by taking the sum of all points earned and dividing it by the total number of points possible. This will be multiplied by 100 and then converted to a letter grade using the following table:

Table 3.2: Course Grading Scale
GPA Letter Percent
4.0 A 93.0% - 100%
3.7 A- 90.0% - 92.9%
3.3 B+ 87.0% - 89.9%
3.0 B 83.0% - 86.9%
2.7 B- 80.0% - 82.9%
GPA Letter Percent
2.3 C+ 77.0% - 79.9%
2.0 C 73.0% - 76.9%
1.7 C- 70.0% - 72.9%
1.0 D 63.0% - 69.9%
0.0 F < 63.0%

Updates to grades will be provided at midterms, and you can follow your progress via the My Grades area on Canvas. I round-up final grades that are within a half percentage point of the next highest letter grade. Requests for final grade changes outside of this range will not be honored.

No chances will be given for revisions of poor grades. Incomplete grades will be given upon request only if you have a “C” average and have completed at least two-thirds of the possible points (412 points). You should note that incomplete grades must be rectified by the specified deadline or they convert to an “F”. This policy reflects the University’s policy on incomplete coursework.